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More About En Gedi Grove
En Gedi: a lush oasis that is blooming near the Dead Sea in the barren Judean desert (Ezekiel 47:10).
Our world is filled with places that are spiritually and physically barren like Judean deserts; places where sin and darkness have choked out the light. Our purpose is to bring the Living Water, Jesus, to spiritually parched people in these deserts of despair; one life, one home, one neighborhood, one city, one state, one country at a time; until the whole world blooms.
Our world is filled with places that are spiritually and physically barren like Judean deserts; places where sin and darkness have choked out the light. Our purpose is to bring the Living Water, Jesus, to spiritually parched people in these deserts of despair; one life, one home, one neighborhood, one city, one state, one country at a time; until the whole world blooms.