You can give through advisory funds (Fidelity Charitable, Greater Kansas City CF, Schwab Charitable & BNY Mellon) using the DAF widget. For other asset accounts, use the form below.
GIVE 100% organization has created a Community-based Micro-disaster relief program via social media. Example; a family living in a rental house has a fire. The family is now homeless and without furniture, food and clothing. GIVE 100% sends out the “call” via social media outlets including Texts, Emails, Twitter, Instagram, etc. to its members to donate specifically for that family’s situation.
GIVE 100% gives 100% of the funds received and delivers them to the family in the form of rent, furniture, food, clothing, auto-repairs, etc.. None of the funds go to the General Fund or any other outlet except family or individual in need that is being donated too.